About Printmaking

A print is an impression made by any method involving transfer from one surface to another. The basic areas of Printmaking include relief, intaglio/etching, silkscreen, lithography and digital media.

These printing processes provide artists with the opportunity to explore a wide array of graphic languages, work indirectly on images through a variety of materials including wood and metal, layer imagery, and combine drawing with photographic and digital imagery.

Creatively Printmaking is an extremely fluid and dynamic medium that enables artists to work across a wide range of sensibilities and technical processes that encompass drawing, design, illustration, photography, digital media, book arts, as well as to explore ideas in inter-media, sculpture and installation.

Microsoft Word – About Jehan Saleh Printmaking Studio .docx

Our Classes

  1. Monoprint: a form of printmaking where the image can only be made once, unlike most printmaking, which allows for multiple originals.
  2. Wood cut: a method of relief printing from a block of wood cut along the grain
  1. Linoprint: a relief print produced in a manner similar to a woodcut but that uses linoleum as the surface into which the design is cut and printed from
  2. Collagraphy: a printmaking process in which materials are applied to a rigid substrate (such as paperboard or wood).
  3. Intaglio: any printmaking technique in which the image is produced by incising into the printing plate – the incised line or area holds the ink and creates the image.

The studio offers the following Intaglio techniques:

• Etching, Soft ground and Aquatint.

• Etching, Open bite and Marbling. Photo Etching and Sugar lift.

• Dry point and Chine-collé.

6. Lithography: a printing process that uses a flat stone or metal plate on which the image areas are worked using a greasy substance so that the ink will adhere to them by, while the non-image areas are made ink-repellent.

7. Silk Screen: a variety of stencil printing, using a screen made from fabric (silk) stretched tightly over a frame.

Contact Us


Phone: 00973 3330 9294


Jehan Saleh Printmaking Studio
Building 151D, Road 327, Block 308, Al-Andalus Garden, Gudaiybiyah, Manama, Bahrain.